Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Make Friends with One Ingredient Foods!

SHERO on Enlightenment: 

Food in boxes that contain added flavours, colours and preservatives are made to last for a very long time on the grocery shelves. We buy these products and they remain on our shelves at home until we eat them. The sad truth is that the longer a food can remain unharmed in a box the shorter our lives become when we eat them. Now ask yourself is that a good trade off? Let's make friends with foods that have one ingredient in them and have a small shelf life. Let's make friends with Fruits, Vegetables, Nuts and look for things in their natural states. Look for things with one ingredient... Mother Nature gave us many amazing natural choices in every corner of the world.. look for them.. you will have to retrain yourself to figure out what sweet, sour, salty etc actually taste like as opposed to the stuff created in a lab... and when you do you will never look back! 


Friday, May 24, 2013

It's been 5 yrs... Thank You for coming on this journey with me!

SHERO on Opportunity: 

Five years ago today I lost a friend who will always hold a very special place in my heart. Cancer conquered his body but his spirit is always here. Our conversations, attitude and altitude about life I will always cherish with the deepest and fondest of all my memories to date. Although I knew him for a very very short time I consider myself blessed for having known him for the time that I did. And that is what a SHERO does.. we do not look at what we don't have we APPRECIATE all that we have and had.. knowing that the cup is not half empty or half full.. it is always full... In those few years of friendship I learned more about myself and the world. In those few years I was able to formulate what the concept of SHERO is and with the hope of helping myself and others raise the bar of humanity and what we call interdependence. My greatest wish for all of us is that we move beyond any limitations or 'norms' that are imposed on us daily and move towards a constructive path. Yes, the road less traveled can be a very difficult and a challenging one but KNOW that you are not alone and that there are many people who wish the same constructive advancement in life as you do. Connect with others beyond the comfort of your safety zone, give to others, learn on a daily basis, take responsibility for your actions and re actions in life and last but not least make mistakes but don't let it stop you, let it challenge you to learn and grow and go some more... in other words.. be SHERO! For those who do not know the story of Arka & Takouhi pick up a copy of From Sheep to SHERO.. for those who do... thank you for coming on this journey with me! 


Sunday, May 19, 2013

I am SHERO! Are you?


I am present, aware and attuned.
I am living with passion and compassion
I am learning, going and growing.
I am responsible for my destiny.
I am empowered and engaged.
I am part of the universe as it is a part of me.


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Saturday, May 18, 2013

Stop the Comparison Game.. It's Boring!

SHERO on Enlightenment: 

And this is how we are.... First we want a boyfriend or girlfriend... when we have one we compare ours to our friends. Then we get an education and we start comparing our education and achievements and shingles on the walls to that of our friends. Then we get married... and we compare our husband/wife, our house, our car and our station in life to that of our sister in law, brother in law, friends etc. Then we have kids and we start to compare the achievement of our kids to the achievement of other kids in our near circle... and this vicious cycle continues... and yet...
This is how we CAN be...
We find someone we love because of the values we have in common
We go to school because it is what we love to do and have chosen
We marry the one we love and build a life together for each other looking down the street in the same direction
We have children (whether biologically or by the gift of adoption) knowing that they are a blessing and they are not a reflection of who we are yet they are spiritual beings on a journey with us..
No where in this equation is comparison, jealousy, envy and measuring ourselves to others achievements...
My path is my path.. my life is mine and mine alone.. the time wasted comparing myself to others is time taken away from building my own greatness....
These comparative narratives that we think about on a day to day basis will not matter 20 years from now except when we look back with regret of the time that we have wasted.


Tuesday, May 14, 2013

There's no magic pill.. take responsibility for yourself...

SHERO on Responsibility: 

Not every doctor is a healer and not every healer is a doctor. Take responsibility for the food you eat, the choices you make, the life you lead. At the end of the day, the choices you make make you. Do love your body enough that you help it heal by way of nutrition both mental, spiritual and caloric. Spending your entire life working to the top without proper rest, nutrition and personal development will only make you sick. In the end you will take the money you worked so hard for and give it to the medical system in the hopes that they will give you a series of so called magic pills which at best will give you a band-aid solution and no cure. Now, wouldn't you say that is the definition of insanity.... Take responsibility for the gorgeous body you were given... stop covering it, and nipping it, and pullling it and colouring it... give it a break... give yourself a chance to fly, soar, expand your horizons...Replace the Aero with Almonds or Apples... Oreo with Oranges... the Hershey company suggest that you give yourself a break by having a Kit Kat... the SHERO company says give your body a break and put down that Kit Kat...


Monday, May 13, 2013

Stop colouring the leaves green.. get to the root of the matter!

SHERO on Enlightenment: 
If you saw a tree with brown leaves what would you do? Would you cut the leaves? If there is more than one brown leaf would you paint the leaves green to cover the ailment? No of course not. But that is what we do on a daily basis to our bodies as well as situations we come across. We cover our bodies ailments by a quick fix. A pill for an ill. We cover our relationship problems by not having a conversation and hoping it will just magically go away. But just like the tree, the only way to solve the problem is getting to the root of the matter. By looking at the roots of the tree where the nourishment originates we will be able to address why the leaves are browning. By looking into your nutritional intake and how your digestive system works you will be able to address many of your bodies ailments. By looking at the entire iceberg including what is under the waterline and not just the tip of the iceberg (aka the problem) between you and a loved one, a colleague, a boss etc you will have a better understanding of why things happened, are happening and will continue to happen if you don't make adjustments.


Friday, May 10, 2013

Develop life into something positive.. &... Stay Cool!

SHERO on Responsibility: 

Your perception is your reality. But your perception does not the truth make. Your perception is a combination of cultural biases, personal biases and your translation of life experiences.. It is your responsibility to check in on your beliefs and ensure that you do not judge and label someone quickly. That is nothing but a lose lose situation. Think Win win.. always look at the bigger picture and give yourself and others the opportunity to grow with new experiences. Let's take what could be seen as a negative and develop it into something positive..


Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Stop Stressing Up.. Stop Revving Up!

SHERO on Enlightenment: 

You wouldn't rev these cars at maximum rpm 24/7 right? Of course not, they are pieces of art and amazing vehicles. So why would you rev your body at maximum stress & pump Cortisol into your precious system 24/7?... In both cases you will destroy your machine whether your car or your body. What is the best way to keep your motor running for a long long time? A)Choosing to see things from a constructive perspective Not taking things personally C) Using emotional intelligence and D) Choosing foods that are not so processed filled with Salt, Sugar and Fat... and so on... After all aren't you a better version of a Ferrari or a Lamborghini?


Thursday, May 2, 2013


SHERO on Opportunity: 

Today started out a bit rough with a few misunderstandings and lack of communication with those in my near circle. That being said.. I walked into one of my clients office shortly after and I noticed a gentleman drive up in his luxury vehicle, get out into a wheelchair and come inside to order custom parts. All I can say is WOW & Perseverance... There are those among us who quit at the slightest show of adversity and there are those who keep going and growing no matter what the odds. Once again it put my life into perspective....Once again it reminds me that it doesn't matter who doesn't believe in you and your greatness and your constructive value and your daily contributions.... all that matters is that YOU BELIEVE IN YOURSELF! Keep going and growing!
