There's no magic pill.. take responsibility for yourself...
SHERO on Responsibility:
Not every doctor is a
healer and not every healer is a doctor. Take responsibility for the
food you eat, the choices you make, the life you lead. At the end of
the day, the choices you make make you. Do love your body enough that
you help it heal by way of nutrition both mental, spiritual and caloric.
Spending your entire life working to the top without proper rest,
nutrition and personal development will only make you sick. In the end
you will take the money you worked so
hard for and give it to the medical system in the hopes that they will
give you a series of so called magic pills which at best will give you a
band-aid solution and no cure. Now, wouldn't you say that is the
definition of insanity.... Take responsibility for the gorgeous body
you were given... stop covering it, and nipping it, and pullling it and
colouring it... give it a break... give yourself a chance to fly, soar,
expand your horizons...Replace the Aero with Almonds or Apples... Oreo
with Oranges... the Hershey company suggest that you give yourself a
break by having a Kit Kat... the SHERO company says give your body a
break and put down that Kit Kat...
Labels: Responsibility
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