Thursday, May 31, 2012

GOSSIP - The most dangerous weapon in the world!

How many of us have heard these expressions?

You didn't hear it from me but....

Don't tell anybody what I'm telling you.. (meanwhile you have heard it from three other people)

Mr. X allegedly said or did..... (love the over use of the word alleged before any facts are presented...)

The point is this, if we just focussed on facts and shared information that was constructive and not manipulative and destructive can you imagine the kind of lives we would have?  

Imagine a world where you say and do things 24/7 as if you knew the person you were speaking of was right there standing next to you?  If they were, would you say those hurtful things?  

Or when you think you see something and then you automatically translate it based on your own limited beliefs.  But it doesn't end there you go ahead and share those thoughts with others creating a ripple effect of negativity.

I'll give you a small example.  

A young person is pulled over in a fancy car by the police.  An older person who hasn't seen the young person for a long time sees this event taking place.  At a gathering she shares this information by saying I haven't seen this young person for so long and there he was pulled over by the police.  

What is this person saying in reality?  
Is this a positive image she has shared with others?  
Fancy car so it must have been speeding?  The driver is a troublemaker? 
What were her intentions behind the comment?  Destructive or Constructive?  
Is it possible that the police were there because he was in an accident?  
Is it possible that he had engine troubles and needed assistance? 

There are always a number of possibilities so we need to stop jumping to self righteous conclusions and sharing them.

When did it become ok to be destructive and damaging to others?  When did we give ourselves that authority?  

Always remember that the choices you make in your life make you who you are.
You are always free to choose your actions but you are not free from the consequences of those actions.   

The power of speech can create or destroy.  We have spent too much time on destruction... let's create! 

If you are going to spread something... spread love.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012


SHERO on Enlightenment:
Without PASSION nothing happens in life..
Without COMPASSION the wrong things happen in life.
It is all about LOVE!

Tuesday, May 29, 2012


SHERO on Responsibility: 
Your life is a collection of your habits and your thoughts. If you want your life to change YOU have to make an adjustment in your thoughts, habits and beliefs. Nothing will change if your thinking doesn't. Before you make any outside move make sure internally you have reflected and made some adjustments.

Monday, May 28, 2012


SHERO on Enlightenment: 
Everything around us is based on some scientific research and knowledge. Science incl Chemistry, Biology, Astrophysics are not only exciting but they are fun. The programs we watch that excite us like CSI or even James Bond Movies have many many facets of science in them. Next time you are in a toy store put down the doll or toy car for your child (which I'm sure they already have tons of) and pick up a small chemistry set, or something to do with the universe, the planets and the stars... sit back and watch magic happen.

Sunday, May 27, 2012


SHERO on Responsibility: 
Your life is a collection of your habits and your thoughts. If you want your life to change YOU have to make an adjustment in your thoughts, habits and beliefs. Nothing will change if your thinking doesn't. Before you make any outside move make sure internally you have reflected and made some adjustments.

Saturday, May 26, 2012


Monday, May 7, 2012


SHERO on Enlightenment: 
Life is a combination of emotional intelligence, social intelligence and a constant accumulation of facts and knowledge. All these elements are crucial to lead your life constructively. Each component is interdependent. You can't have one without the other... We may have areas that are stronger than most but awareness will cause us to work towards growth and improvement.

Sunday, May 6, 2012


SHERO on Enlightenment:
Getting from a zero state of mind to SHERO can be as quick as a snap of your fingers... turn negativity into real building blocks...

Saturday, May 5, 2012


SHERO on Opportunity: 
Tough situations don't last... tough people do.... Approach everything with an open mind to see opportunities where you thought none existed....

Friday, May 4, 2012


SHERO on Enlightenment: 
You may wear a Folex and pretend it's a Rolex. You may wear Adibas and pretend its Adidas. These are only things. However, you as a human being can only pretend to be someone else for a short time. Your true self will always come through. The question is when you look in the mirror do you know who you are and what you stand for?

Thursday, May 3, 2012


SHERO on Enlightenment: 
The difference between someone who has $10,000 vs someone who has $10 is not more class, more compassion, more wisdom. The difference is only $9,990 and that can change with hard work. The real difference between people isn't the bank accounts or size of wallets. It's how you treat those around you that makes the difference. It's how you view the world that makes the difference.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012


SHERO on Enlightenment: 
Confidence is the new sexy I have heard people say. But what does that mean? If by sexy we mean that it is appealing and alluring perhaps.. but in a constructive real way. A confident person owns what they know and who they are yet at the same time understands that in the vast knowledge of the universe what they know is only a pebble in the sand. A confident person is very strong yet equally humble. A persons confidence inspires others to success and attracts as opposed to deflecting people by way of arrogance.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012


SHERO on Humanity: 
Whether in your personal life or in business you will attract more people towards you authentically if you think and act upon the following when you walk into a room "Whose life can I add value to today and how can I help someone help themselves"