Whether $10 or $10,000 in your pocket
on Responsibility: There is a proverb that says 'It is easy to decide
to go on a diet when your stomach is full but what happens when you
start getting hungry?' How steadfast is your resolve? What happens to
you when things do not go your way? Do you start to blame others for
your mishaps or do you take responsibility and empower yourself. Are you
nice when things are going your way and become the opposite when things
go wrong? Are you nice only when you have all your bills
paid and angry at the world when they are not? Are you nice only when
you want something and become a monster when you think you have it made?
The trick to life is to be all that is good everyday in business and
in our personal lives. So what happens to you when you are in the
trenches and are challenged from all sides... is there another side that
comes out and if it's ugly what are you going to do about it?... I am
strongly suggesting to you that you can do everything about it! You
should be YOU.. whether you have $10 in your pocket or $10,000!